At The Peck School, a highlight of the student experience is our Reach Across program where, three times per year, students are paired across grades to collaborate on fun and meaningful projects that tie to our core values. The program encourages leadership, empathy, and camaraderie, providing opportunities for older students to serve as role models while giving younger students the chance to connect with and learn from their peers.
“Reach Across is a hallmark of Peck’s commitment to nurturing well-rounded individuals who rise by lifting others,” says First Grade Teacher Christa Nees, who also co-advises the school’s Reach Across program.
Last week’s Reach Across activity was a perfect reflection of Peck’s core value of gratitude, as students united to write heartfelt thank-you letters to veterans through Operation Gratitude.
Students worked diligently, selecting their words and designs with care. Older students assisted younger ones, fostering a spirit of mentorship and teamwork, and younger students felt seen by older peers.
This collaborative effort not only united the school community but also served as a meaningful reminder of the power of gratitude—an enduring value to carry with us, especially as Thanksgiving draws near.